Tesla Automation - Summary Readers Response Draft #2

In the article, Ohnsman (2013) states the introduction of Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) system
into vehicles, an advanced autopilot driver-assistance system enhanced with automation software to
assist in road navigation and enable driverless parking. They opt that autopilot has proven beneficial in
aviation and should similarly be adopted in automobiles for improved safety and efficiency.

According to Synopsys (n.d.), the spectrum of automation in vehicles is categorized into levels ranging
from 0 to 5.
Initially, vehicles at Level 0 lacked any form of driving automation. Progressing to Level 1, vehicles incorporated a single automated system, such as adaptive cruise control, to assist in steering or acceleration while maintaining a safe following distance. At Level 2, or semi-automated driving, the systems controlled both steering and acceleration/deceleration, with the stipulation that drivers must continuously monitor road conditions. The introduction of Level 3 automation brought "environmental detection" capabilities, allowing vehicles to make decisions regarding overtaking maneuvers. Level 4 automation marked a significant advancement, with the technology capable of superseding human inputs to ensure safety during system failures. The culmination of automation technology was represented by Level 5, where vehicles achieved full autonomy, capable of performing all driving tasks independently, rendering traditional vehicle controls unnecessary. This classification system illustrates the evolutionary trajectory of automotive technology towards complete autonomy.

Redding (2023) reported that vehicles manufactured post-September 2014, including models such as the Tesla Model S and Model X, have been equipped with built-in autopilot hardware, significantly enhancing the driving experience and reducing the risk of collisions. Initially, this hardware did not incorporate features such as "Autosteer" and "Adaptive Cruise Control," which were later supported by advanced Bosch radar and sonar sensors. The Bosch radar, boasting a range of 525 feet, alongside twelve sonar sensors with a 16-foot range, serves as the pivotal component for the Autopilot's functionality, enabling crucial capabilities such as traffic detection for lane changes. Further enhancements were made through the introduction of an eight-camera array and improved computing power. These upgrades were aimed at expanding sensor coverage and the vehicle's autonomy by providing broader visibility and faster processing capabilities.

Tesla's advancements in autopilot technology promise to transform travel, improve road safety, and offer driving opportunities for a broader range of individuals. However, the rise of such technologies also poses challenges, including potential job losses in driving professions.

Stumpf (2022) states the significant impact of Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology on improving driving experiences and the potential to reduce collision accidents. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has concentrated on vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or partial automation to boost road safety. These systems assist in various driving tasks but require the driver's constant attention and control. The IIHS's initiatives include educating the public about ADAS's real capabilities and limitations, issuing safety ratings for vehicles, and emphasizing the need for driver engagement with various measures. These measures include using driver-facing cameras to monitor attentiveness, requiring manual confirmation for automated actions, implementing safeguards against the misuse of automation, and ensuring safety practices like seatbelt usage are followed before enabling automated features. The goal of these efforts is to promote safer driving practices, push for the development of more reliable ADAS technologies, and help create vehicles that provide greater protection. The effectiveness of autopilot systems in improving road safety is dependent on their responsible use, as they can minimize human errors by maintaining consistent speed, safe following distances, and proper lane positioning, thereby reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by common driving distractions and fatigue.

According to Fortuna (2022), The profound effects of automation on the job market, emphasize its role in eliminating jobs, altering job requirements and flexibility, and standardizing roles across different industries. The article specifically addressed the challenges faced by individuals reliant on driving for their income, underscoring the threat posed by the emergence of autopilot systems. It was estimated that workers displaced by autonomous driving technology could suffer significant financial losses, with an average loss of $80,000 in lifetime income per affected worker, leading to an overall impact of approximately $180 billion on U.S. workers. As a result, many of these individuals may be forced to look for new job opportunities or consider retirement as a last resort.

In conclusion, The ongoing development of automation technology significantly enhances the sophistication of vehicle hardware, sensors, and radar systems, playing a crucial role in decreasing road accidents and elevating safety standards. This progress not only broadens the scope of driving opportunities for diverse groups but also introduces notable challenges. Specifically, the reliance on autonomous driving technologies poses a considerable threat of unemployment for those whose incomes depend on driving professions.

1) Peer Feedback
2) Thesis
3) Prof Brad Feedback


(Tesla Autpilot system) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Autopilot
(Autopilot Information) - Tesla
(Tesla Model and Software Features) -CarShtuff
(Level 1 - 5 Automation) - Synopsys
Stumpf (Road Safety) https://www.popsci.com/technology/iihs-creates-safety-rankings-driver-assistance-systems/ 
Fortuna ( Job losses)https://cleantechnica.com/2022/01/10/how-will-autonomous-driving-disrupt-workers/


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